Left, Right and Center... Right?
Well... not quite... only in a metaphorical world of right and wrong -pun intended- do such models exist. Most of us grow up, find some stuff we like doing, do our best to do it as much as possible and in the best scenario make a living out of it, meet someone we'd like to do all that stuff with and if we're lucky enough raise kids and enjoy grandkids, while doing, hopefully, the stuff you like doing the most that you can. Does any of that seem left or right? Only to the ones competing to get your money and your votes, ie, your money.
So... "the left" wants to "redistribute" wealth, because that is something that according to them happens unfairly in society. So they just take it away -unfairly and forcefully- from everyone, and then allocate it like the savior of society in turn decides to, science and everything...
Meanwhile, the right, who is basically everyone else according to the left, wants your money and your votes so they can fight the left who wants to standardize everything, just like the right wanted to for decades in the name of religion.
And the "centrists", well... They're better than everyone else, of course, cause they're in the center, balanced and neutral about stuff. They're like the spawn of the Dalai Lama and Stephen Hawking, because quantum politics and economics... right?
"You are so selfish! You see.. I want EVERYONE to be well off, while you just want to be well off yourself!", says my holier than thou socialist friend. Who's easily ignited into calling me racist, as you well know by now. Meanwhile there I was thinking -and living accordingly to my best effort-, that I also wanted to live in a city with educated people, with access to culture and nice stuff and with children playing in neat, clean and comfortable places.
Ideological Battleground - Independence and Independents
The only difference, of course, is that I don't have any reason to believe, even after almost a decade in universities, that there is some magic formula that is secretly told to lawyers at Harvard or Oxford that will suddenly improve anything and everything for me. I know that everything is just a popularity contest, with Billions -that's right, the grotesque Democratic party now invests... nah nah nah... throws to the garbage BILLIONS in campaign advertising, including your neighborly fake Facebook and twitter profiles plus your reliable "fact checked, fact checkers", the one calling you ignorant bigot for posting a kitten that is 1% more grey than it should be-.
No. Lawyers with teleprompters don't have magic formulas. Neither do economists at the New York Times. Yes, we do need leaders, hopefully the managerial type, those who can be held accountable at a face-to-face level. But the bottom line, for us bottom-liners, you know, citizens who grow, work, raise and try to live fun, full lives, is that we're interested in tangible, pragmatic stuff. We want to be able to get ours without so much bureaucracy. We want to enjoy private lives and safe public spaces. We don't go around thinking about races and ideologies. We go around feeling insecure about the cultural abuse we receive from mainstream media and cable suppliers, and we feel completely manipulated by promise-making politicians. So, we don't want centralized stuff. We want community projects and to be able to decide wherever we need, or want, our money to be allocated. We don't want the government to tax the rich just because that "sounds fair". We want them to be efficient in the only tasks they should be handling: looking out for the freedom of everyone in this soil, who hasn't forfeit such privilege by negatively affecting the freedom of others.
Today, we might find more solace in an institution that SAYS they defend the constitution, federalism, property rights and the right of individuals to pursue happiness, ie, the GOP -yeah I know... pffft...-. Tomorrow we might want to support a stronger Libertarian party, when the moment is right and they find a way to handle all those "oh so purist Libertarians" who seem more priests of yet another ideology than pragmatic achievers. But we're actually fed up, and that is what we are strongly shouting everyday on social media... and many are feeling represented by Donald Trump precisely because of that.
Better than belonging to a party or adhering to a specific belief we are inviting everyone to be pragmatic, community oriented and to focus on their well-being, their family's and the cleanliness of their living environments. Being openly independent is a potent way of holding the pan by the handle and keeping control over elected officials who won't answer an email after they invite you to a focus group to see what new concept is more catchy.
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[…] the racism narrative. As we've said before, we particularly live in a different world to the one the left paints on TV and characterizes on their speeches. We don't live in a world where we go around being […]
[…] Obama was favorited by media outlets all along the isle with a few exceptions. Remember that Obama appeared in talk-shows and cable shows as no other head of state had done before. It was clever and well pulled off, […]