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September 2017 was hectic…

September 2017 recap satire CulturOfFreedom

September was hectic.  Trump was impeached a record 33 times and Hillary was sworn in as Queen with a vagina crown.  

But no kidding... Remember September started off with Irma hitting our dear Florida?  The state was evacuated, TV people blamed Trump for hurricanes in the Caribbean and said we deserved it for voting how we did.  Well it also ended with Maria hitting Puerto Rico, reportedly 19 deaths by the time this article was written, and apparently it was "genocide" committed by Trump, cause they were Puerto Ricans.  Yeah, we're at that point.  Let's recap September with a bit of satire so we don't get too depressed.  Cheer on!


We started out with a poll about @potus and independents, where 88% of the voters told us they backed President Trump regardless of party.  More than interesting info for independents, who many times feel the pain of the two party system.

88 percent of Trump supporters would have backed him regardless of party.
88 percent of Trump supporters would have backed him regardless of party.

We got a reminder of the depth of the culture wars with the left.  We say, mess with us in Social Media, bad... But mess with our kids... get hurt.

Conservative and Libertarian voices attack the Left's approach to children's sex ed
Conservative and Libertarian voices attack the Left's approach to children's sex ed

By the end of the month, we decided to make a list, since the Left had already made the NFL less fun, anyway.  

List of things the left has ruined @CulturOfFreedom
List of things the left has ruined @CulturOfFreedom- Chapter 1

By the end of the month, they had already ruined Dr Seuss too.  @FLOTUS send a library in Cambridgeport books from Dr Seuss as a gift, which were rejected supposedly for being racist.  

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September gave us three major political debates:

DACA repeal: the Obama administration passed an executive order, illegal to many, to give particular treatment to children who were brought here illegally by parents.  He called them the "Dreamers", and his opposition saw it as a dirty trick to expand partisan politics illegally.  Trump received Democrat leaders in his office, apparently willing to negotiate this issue to gain political capital.

Nancy Pelosi speech interrupted by a DACA protest
Nancy Pelosi speech interrupted by a DACA protest

Healthcare reform: replace and repeal Obamacare, said most Republican candidates and legislators for 8 years.  Now the time came to do it, but Trump found resistance from Republicans in congress.  Some, like Sen John MacCain potentially for mere dislike -going all the way even to betray the trust of his electors since it was one of his main electoral promises-, and others like Sen Rand Paul who just thought the repeal was not strong enough to be called an actual repeal, gaining support from the most conservative circles.

Sen Rand Paul dismisses a "failed" HealthCare proposal
Sen Rand Paul dismisses a "failed" HealthCare proposal

Tax reform:  one of President Trump's totems, he proposed the biggest Tax Cut in the history of the country.

@Potus advises of the coming of Tax Reform
@Potus advises of the coming of Tax Reform

Ted Cruz takes on Tax Reform
Ted Cruz takes on Tax Reform

The Resistance TV -@CNN- finally accepted that Paul Manafort was actually wiretapped by the Obama administration.  Trump was vindicated to most after having been persecuted for supposed lying for months.  Impunity for everyone involved apparently... not even an example to set a precedent.  Sessions nowhere to be seen.

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Trump spoke at the United Nations General Assembly, making emphasis on his campaign promises.  He asked for fairness in the UN, especially holding the burden, scolded the hypocrisy of the organization -particularly of some nations who hold sits in the Human Rights Council who are major violators-, disregarded socialism as a bad idea and said Iran and North Korea's behavior should not be tolerated.

After the speech, Trump escalated his rhetoric against North Korean leader, and the Left took parties with the communist dictator, literally.  We made fun of some because of the others.  

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By the end of September, the world started feeling the tension on the upcoming October 1 "independence referendum" held in Catalunya, looking to secede from Spain.

We suffered more cultural abuse by MSM and Social Media giants.

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And we ended with hurricane Maria's devastation to Puerto Rico.  The island suffering without electricity and basic supplies for weeks.  Debate on whether the Federal Government's response was adequate was eclipsed by the notorious Left's ludicrous abuse of concepts and the media's click-bait business model.  We made fun of one, the other doesn't even deserve it.

San Juan Mayor

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The other one, who calls herself a Republican on National TV.  No comment on this one.

Ana Navarro campaigning for Democrats
Ana Navarro campaigning for Democrats


Cultur | Capital

Satire for Independents

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